McEvoy Oval in 2022
109 McEvoy Ave, Umina Beach NSW 2257
We ask all club members, players, visitors and supporters to be patient and considerate during the move and our time at McEvoy Oval.
Why are we moving to McEvoy Oval?
• We are moving to McEvoy Oval for Season 2022 because this is the ground we have been allocated by Central Coast Council
• They are moving us this season for two reasons:
1. To allow some irrigation works to occur on all the fields at Umina Oval (including Rugby League fields)
2. To allow the rebuild of our Clubhouse – at this stage scheduled to commence in August 2022
Notes about McEvoy Oval
• We are sharing the facilities with Touch Football, including the canteen
• There are no change rooms
• Parking is limited so please encourage players and spectators to leave plenty of time for parking
• We do not have space to store a lot of our gear and equipment – gear may not always be readily available for purchase as it will largely need to be stored at Umina Oval
• There is only one full-sized field and a decreased number of small-sided fields
• There may be more away games to compensate for less fields at McEvoy – where possible, CCF have scheduled overflow games at nearby venues
• Short-term inconvenience = long-term gain!
Field layout at McEvoy Oval

Training Details for McEvoy Oval
• Teams can train at McEvoy Oval Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays 4.30 pm – 9 pm, and Fridays 4 pm – 5 pm
• Juniors need to be off McEvoy Oval by 7 pm to allow senior teams and grade squads space to train
• There are areas we cannot currently train due to a burst water pipe
• An email has been circulated to junior teams asking them to submit training preferences
• Due to Covid and space restrictions, we need to space out team training as much as possible. If you haven’t submitted training preferences please do so as soon as possible
• We are advised by Council at approximately 2 pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri if McEvoy Oval is closed due to wet weather – we will advise of any closure of McEvoy Oval on training days via our Facebook page and the Coach/Manager Whatsapp groups
What will out future club look like?
Not to scale and subject to change